All equipment is inventoried in strict compliance with GSA, OMB, and EPA mandates.
Equipment is tested for operational functionality, and a complete asset audit report will be generated for the customer. During the TAP, a reformat of all hard drives is undertaken to protect potentially sensitive corporate data. The results of each individual site shipment will be provided to the applicable customer contact either in an electronic or paper format (as required by customer).
Once the TAP has been performed, the applicable asset disposition practice can be carried out on behalf of our clients. It is at this point that the title to the asset is transferred from our clients to AIT, unless otherwise noted. AIT assumes the actual title to all assets effectively creating a paper trail of transfer, which mitigates all liabilities associated with IT asset disposition.
Department of Defense Forensic Data Scrub 5220-22M (DOD Scrub) – AIT can perform an “Optional Service” related to Data Security. All data from each hard drive will be scrubbed using a 3 or 7 pass Department of Defense approved (5220.22M compliant) patented data overwrite technology designed to completely eliminate all data from a computer’s hard drive.
Serial Number Capture (Direct Disposal) – Alternative to TAP -Where equipment is predetermined to be not working, to help reduce costs to our clients, AnythingIT will “not” test equipment clearly identified as “Recycle” to determine remarket ability. AnythingIT will complete a serial number capture of the assets received from our clients in accordance with State and Federal laws related to environmental hazard.
For all equipment designated for recycling or reuse (parts salvage), “Certificates of Indemnification” are provided for each asset audit report that contains recycled assets.
Software Auditing: Optional Service – AnythingIT can perform a software audit on workstations processed through our TAP facility to insure compliance for software licensing agreements. Information on licensing that is readily available on an individual hard drive will be reported in the TAP audit.
Donation Processing: Optional Service – AnythingIT will facilitate the donation of equipment on behalf of a government entity with insurance that all equipment is in good working condition up to the expectations of the charity. Additionally, AnythingIT will ensure proper inventory, data scrubbing and donation paperwork are submitted and processed.
Lease Returns: Optional Service – AnythingIT will provide for the timely return of all government-leased equipment with insurance that equipment returned matches the requirements of the leasing company. This includes verification of functionality and data scrubbing.
Equipment Refurbishing & Warranty Repair.