AIT Launches Processing Centers in Texas and New Jersey
The move to these processing centers enables a number of improvements to the AIT methodology of processing IT assets. Together, the two facilities utilize over 140,000 sq ft of processing center space. With the highest level of onsite security, controlled access and video surveillance, AIT has met the stringent requirements of our customers. Strategically located in the Philadelphia and Dallas metropolitan areas, AIT is able to offer a compelling logistical solution for virtually any public sector or private sector client in the Continental United States. A third facility located near Phoenix, AZ is planned to go on line in the first or second quarter of 2005.
“The technical capabilities of staff at Coppell and Paulsboro are reflected by the minimum A+ Certification requirement for all technicians” comments Paul Brundage, Vice President, Sales of AnythingIT. “Never before have we been so prepared for the forecasted growth of the IT Asset Disposition marketplace.” AnythingIT (AIT) is a GSA contracted – CCR Registered Small Business vendor with Congressional Recommendation for IT Asset Management, Forensic Data Scrub (Department of Defense certified), Trade In, Donation Processing, and Disposal services. AIT Launches Processing Centers in Texas and New Jersey
AnythingIT Incorporated
One Executive Drive, Suite 170
Fort Lee, New Jersey 07024
(877) 766-3050
AITNews June 1, 2004
Secure Access and the Room for
Growth necessitated the move to new
TAP Processing Centers in Coppell,
Texas and Paulsboro, New Jersey